
6 simple UX tricks to boost your checkouts in times

2021-05-19 10:00 e-Commerce Tips Smart Search
You have great traffic KPIs, users spend a long time on your website, but for some reason customers abandon their carts and you start to think what could possibly have gone wrong.  Is something wrong with your product? Are your prices too high? No worries – it is not about you.  It is all about how to improve the checkout process. 

Avoid creating accounts

The most frequent reason why shoppers withdraw from buying is… no, it’s not because they don’t like what you sell. It’s because you make them create accounts! 
The study by Baymard shows that 35% of users refuse to purchase because of the account creation process. 
Do you really need to have all that user data? Maybe 2 simple fields would be enough? 

Pre-fill and simplify the checkout

If your business requires account creation, try to simplify it as much as possible. 
Can I make a purchase from your website within 3 clicks? What about 2? And what if I already have a user account? Can I log in with Facebook? Can I use my Instagram credentials? 
Here are some guides and plugins that will help you to install social login to WooCommerceMagento or WordPress

Less leads to more

The easier it is to complete the purchase, the less time is left for doubt and annoyance. 
Reduce the number of forms that user needs to complete to the bare minimum. Do you really need to know all of this information or is it more necessary for you to boost sales? Find an answer to it yourself and review your checkout steps once again. 

Resolve trust issues 

18% of customers have problems trusting a site with their credit card information. 
In 2020, the amount of online fraud cases is alarming. Every reasonable person is worried about their financial safety, and their trust can be hard to win, especially if you are not Amazon. 
The good news is, you can resolve this and improve your checkout outcomes by adding a trust badge – some of them you can get for free, but the best ones come from Norton, Google and McAfee – these are the most trusted according to Baymard user research
Here is a nice instruction on how to add the Google Certification badge – all you need is to sign up for Google Merchant Center. 

Payment methods: never too many

There are numerous payment methods and applications that can help you accept payments in the most unified and simple way to improve your checkout. 
Studies show the ways people will pay in 2020 will extend from one-click applications to voice, smart devices, facial recognition. While these advanced methods are still rather unrealistic for small business, selecting the best payment gateway provider is quite significant. 

If you operate internationally, mind the local payment preferences – they can differ significantly from country to country. For example, in the US PayPal is now trending, while in China it’s WeChat Pay and Union Pay; in Russia it’s Visa Qiwi Wallet and Yandex Money; Germans prefer to pay with their bank account and France is still in favour of cash on delivery. 


60% of shoppers get frustrated by irrelevant search results and shops need to try harder and harder to match the user expectations. 
Showcase your offer variety better by adding dynamic filtering, search by color and word prediction, and you will be rewarded by lower cart abandonment rate.
KeaLabs Smart Search seamlessly integrates into your shop design and user journey and allows you to specify the search settings relevant exactly for your business. 
Learn more about self-learning search and how search can increase your profit in our blog.