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Building Recommender System

Development Recommendation API
In this series of articles we’ll navigate you through Kea Labs Recommendations API and teach you how to build your own Recommendation System with real-time updates and personalization.
  • Introduction to Recommendations API
  • Building Recommender System with Personalisation
  • Building Content-Based Recommender System
  • Hybrid Recommendation Systems
  • Realtime updates of Recommendation System
  • How to improve Product Recommendations

Building Recommender System

In this article we will build a Collaborative Filtering recommendation system that generates personalized recommendations for a user. This model will be built on the historically tracked data, it won’t support data updates, and won’t care about the content details. All these areas are covered in further articles. However, this model suits well for personalized recommendations for existing users, and recommendations of related items.

Datasets for Recommender System

There’re many public datasets available for various data science tasks. Good list of datasets for recommendation is available in the University of San Diego website: https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~jmcauley/datasets.html 
Another good list of open-source dataset is here: https://analyticsindiamag.com/10-open-source-datasets-one-must-know-to-build-recommender-systems/
Let’s take the famous MovieLens dataset by Group Lens, which is often used for experimenting with recommendation engines. It contains ratings and tags applied to movies by users. Dataset is available in different sizes – from 100K raings, to 25M. We’ll take the set with 1 milling ratings, as it’s convenient to use for development purposes.
Dataset is available here: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ 

Uploading data into Recommendation System

First of all, you need to upload data to Kea Labs Recommendations API.
There’re at least 3 ways to upload data to Kea Labs, you can read about them in documentation.
These methods are:
  • general API requests (like add item, add rating),
  • bulk API requests (which batches operations into 1 request) 
  • ingest methods, which supports multipart requests with a file uploading and configuration.
Let’s have a look into the data we have. We want to build a personalised movie recommendations for users. To do this, we’re interested in 2 files from MovieLens dataset: 
movies.csv – with movies data, which contains fields: movieId,title,genres
1,Toy Story (1995),Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy
2,Jumanji (1995),Adventure|Children|Fantasy
3,Grumpier Old Men (1995),Comedy|Romance

ratings.csv with ratings that users gave to movies. 
Fields are: userId,movieId,rating,timestamp


As you can see, some of the movies have multiple genres associated. The list is separated by | symbol. Interest methods support this, but it’s better to have files in a cleaner format.
Let’s upload file movies.csv into url:


In this url we specify some parameters:
  • type=item – we upload items data
  • fields=title,genres – specifies additional data fields
  • itemIdColumn=movieId – we need to specify name of id column, since the file has custom column names
  • genres.split=| – split genres column by | and upload them as an array

Let’s upload ratings data into url:


  • type=event.rating – we upload rating events data
  • itemIdColumn=movieId – again we need to specify name of id column, since the file has custom column names. The rest fields are the same as ingest command expect – rating, userId and timestamp

Getting personalized Recommendations for User

Once the data uploading completed, Kea Labs needs to fully regenerate the recommendation model. It may take a couple of minutes. But note- this is happening only on initial uploading and on ingest command. Other data updates on a fly and are getting applied on top of generated models.
Let’s get a personalized recommendation for the user with id=1.
It’s simple as sending GET request to /storage/{{STORAGE_ID}}/recommend/user/1/items/
It looks like this user might be interested in classic Action/Sci-Fi movies, like legendary Aliens, or Terminator 2.

Let’s check why Terminator 2 got recommended to user #1. For this, we can send a request to the /explain method. It evaluates user interactions and explains why a given item has been recommended.

Nice! Based on the user preferences we can see that recommended classical Action movies, like Terminator 2 are interested to user.

Further reading

In this article we’ve built a simple, but fully operating Recommender System for personalized user recommendations.
In further articles we’ll cover how to make this model updating, how to recommend items for anonymous or new users. 
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